welcome to calvary lakeside

calvary lakeside

We are a community of believers who seek to love God and love people. Join us on Sunday morning for a casual atmosphere, contemporary worship, and a live teaching from our Pastor.

celebration kids

We are committed to creating a clean, safe and fun environment where your children will experience dynamic, relevant, and age-appropriate teaching, small group, and activities.
Childcare is suspended during Lifegroups & Worship service.


Join us Sundays at 10:30 am for live teaching on our Facebook page or click the button below to view our live stream page!

celebration worship

We are a community of believers who seek to love God and love people. Join us on Sunday morning for a casual atmosphere, contemporary worship, and a live teaching from our Pastor.


Our pastor

Rocky Vasquez

Our Pastor (Rocky) loves God and people. He is passionate about the Word of God and seeing God’s people grow in their faith.